Sunday, November 30, 2008


When In Danger, When In Doubt, Run In Circles, Scream And Shout
ABC TV - George Stephanopoulos  -   Nov30 2008

Quoted by Torie Clarke.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama On Tape - "I Will BANKRUPT COAL!"

Re: Obama On Tape-"I Will BANKRUPT COAL! "

Colin Powell and Warren Buffett have different motives.

Powell wanted to align himself with his ethnic group and thought Bush ignored Powell's excellent foreign policy and military advice.

Buffett switched parties decades ago because Republicans were slow to oppose segregation.

Unfortunately, Obama has a Marxist world view. The new class warfare is between the middle class and the super rich -- anyone who makes over $250,000 a year.

Marxism in all its permutations always fails.

Basically, it has two problems. 1) Marxism doesn't work in theory. 2) Marxism doesn't work in practice.

- CarlD

- - -

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Political Skeletons

Political Skeletons Coming Home to Roost
Who says I don't know how to mix a metaphor?

Many liberals were stampeded or bamboozled into supporting the Iraq War, against their better judgments, for fear of being branded as soft on terrorism.

Many conservatives supported the Stimulus Package and the Bailout to avoid the specter of Herbert Hoover, whose laissez-faire policies were blamed for the Depression.

- CarlD 

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Granularity - Micro Patterns

Granularity - Micro Patterns
Here are a handful of discernible patterns.
  • Fahrenheit 9/11, movie by Michael Moore, makes the point that none but one member of Congress who voted for the Iraq War had children in the military.  They were willing to send other children to fight but not their own children.
  • A similar pattern is that very few Presidents, Vice Presidents, or Secretaries of Defense have male children.  Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, George W Bush, and Dick Cheney are examples.
  • Richard Nixon abandoned his Quaker, pacifist, origins.  Dwight Eisenhower abandoned his Mennonite, pacifist, origins.  George W Bush abandoned his free enterprise origins.
- CarlD             October 25, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Barack Obama - Alfred E. Smith dinner

My greatest strength.  Humility.
My greatest weakness.  I'm TOO awesome.
6:48 time code

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


"A simple rule dictates my buying:

Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful," Buffett, 78, said in an opinion piece published Friday in The New York Times.

"Most certainly, fear is now widespread."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Global meltdown

The meltdown continues.

From Canada to Japan, like it or not, world economies are interlinked and co-dependent.

- CarlD

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Inflation Cure = Economic Collapse

Every cloud has a silver lining. - CarlD

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Collapse of Empires

Collapse of Empires
Episode 1

Setting the scene

Imagine you are the Russian tsar, circa 1914.  Would you foresee that entering World War I might result in the collapse of your entire empire?

Imagine a Laurel and Hardy movie.  It has  a simple and timeless plot - every problem generates an action which creates a bigger problem.

A trillion here, a trillion there, adds up to real money - to paraphrase Sen. Everett Dirksen.

I defined trimagna to refer to the way politicians count money.  They focus on every 3rd order of magnitude.  Million, Billion, Trillion.

It takes a big person to squander a trillion dollars.

Democrats yearn for the chance to invest a trillion in universal health care and another trillion to stop global warming.

Republicans seized the opportunity to dump a trillion in the War in Iraq and, now, the financial crisis.  Ever the innovators, they invented pre-emptive squandering.  Squander unto others before they squander unto you.

Where are the visionaries?  Who will be first to waste $10 trillion?  How many airports, museums, and statues will be dedicated to the first person to waste $100 trillion?

Some perspective

  • Gas prices
Suppose you used to pay $30 a week for a tank of gas.  After price increases you pay $50 per week.  That's $20 per week x 50 weeks equals about $1,000 per year.
  • Financial bailout
A trillion dollars divided by 100 million taxpayers is about $10,000 per person.  Basically, gas prices will produce 1/10th as much pain as the bailout.
  • Personal control
The other difference is you can make changes that mitigate the gas problem.  You can drive a small car, you can carpool, you can take a bus, you can conduct sales meetings over the internet.

There may be little or nothing you can do to avert the economic impact of the financial tsunami.

Houston, we have an anomaly

As India and China are moving towards market economies, America is moving towards Marxism aka socialism aka liberalism aka progressism.

Sometimes a new technology like the internet blossoms just in time to compensate for political stupidity.  Unfortunately, most of the new opportunities like gene splicing and space travel are more likely to gestate oversees.

How stupid are we?  The Congress passed a $600 tax rebate stimulus package but did NOTHING to remedy the financial meltdown.  The whole system is operating at the competency level of the Metrolink engineer who crashed head-on with a freight train.

Buy gold and act like you were in the middle of the Great Depression

Things will definitely get worse before they get better.

- CarlD            September, 2008


Thursday, September 18, 2008

AW Allied Waste at $11.63 - stock

AW Allied Waste at $11.63
BRK-B Berkshire Hathaway at $4,160

If I had to pick one stock today I would pick AW.
It is undergoing a merger/buyout with Republic.
They issued a statement that the merger is still in gear.
The buyout is close to $14.  That's about 20% in about 1 month.

Even if you don't buy, you are welcome to track my analysis.

My second choice, if I were thinking long term, is BRK-B. This is Buffett's time to shine.  His stock is down but he is making some great buys such as Constellation Energy.

- CarlD

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Galambos Book Court Case - arguments

Answer a fool...

Answer a fool ...
            according to his own folly.

Quoted by Perry Mason, July 15, 2008


Friday, June 13, 2008

The Terrorist Conundrum

The Terrorist Conundrum

What if a suicide bomber finds himself in a death or death situation.

- CarlD

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

William Safire Blogs -- political phrases

I recently saw and heard Wm Safire on C-Span.

I would like his observations on the topic of Compound Movement Names, such as National Socialist or Compassionate Conservative.

Did Hitler start the genre and Karl Rove damage it beyond repair?

Are such phrases intentionally oxymoronic -- encompassing mutually-exclusive ends of the spectrum?

 - CarlD

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Dick Cheney Joke

Is it dangerous to be in bath tub if a implanted debibulator goes off?

My response:

There is NO danger from the defibrillator.

Not to get political but you should know that the only part of government that actually works is Dick Cheney's defibrillator.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Miley Ray

Nobody talks about Miley Ray's extended family.
Her father is Billy Ray.
Her mother is Martha Ray.
Her stepsister is Rachel Ray.
Her cousin is Norma Ray.
Her bodyguard is Sugar Ray.
- CarlD

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Obama, repudiates ...

I get confused.

Did Obama repudiate Paula Abdul?

Or did Eliot Spitzer turn Mormon and move to Texas?

- CarlD

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dick Cheney - Fly Fishing

Here's the real scoop. Cheney is standing next to a nude woman and grabs his rod.

Despite his title, he's not skilled at vice.
If he was fly fishing, did he catch his fly?

Some say Cheney was fishing.
Some say he was looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Red Skelton Interprets the Pledge of Allegiance


1) The Pledge of Allegiance is actually a loyalty oath created after the Civil War. The key phrase is "one nation, indivisible". It was intended to exclude anyone who thinks that states might have the right to secede from the union.

2) Children as early as kindergarten are expected to recite the oath. Red Skelton thinks he knows what it means to pledge an oath to a flag, but 5 year olds can barely pronounce words like "allegiance".

Red Skelton apparently cited The Pledge 100s of times before anyone told him what it meant.

3) Mennonites, like Dad, are anabaptists. I thought that meant "against baptism". It actually means they object to children being baptised BEFORE they are mature enough to have the intelligence to consciously decide that they want to be baptised.

If you follow the logic, anabaptists would object to immature children pledging allegiance,
with or without the phrase "under God".

Makes sense?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pillory Hillary?

Chelsea Clinton was asked if her mother's credibility was damaged by the way she handled the Monica Lewinsky affair. This suggests that Hillary still has credibility -- having embellished the story about sniper fire in Bosnia.

I remember a morning news interview on a show like NBC's Today Show or ABC's Good Morning America. Hillary pleaded for the public to defer judgment about Bill until all of the evidence was in.

Like OJ Simpson on the prowl for the real killer, Hillary is still waiting for enough evidence to surface. If we don't prejudge Bill, can we still pillory Hillary?

- CarlD

They're all a bunch of guppies.

Tony Blair is no Winston Churchill.
George W. Bush is no Ronald Reagan.
Hillary Clinton is no Margaret Thatcher.
Barach Obama is no Nelson Mandella.

John McCain has a tiny dose of Harry Truman's straight talk style and Ross Perot's military street cred.

They might be whales but they act like guppies.

- CarlD

Monday, March 24, 2008

Clinton says: Obama hates America

Bill Clinton, in a McCarthyite moment, suggested that Obama hates America.

Regardless of your politics, I think we can all agree it comes from an unimpeachable source.

- CarlD

Friday, February 8, 2008

"A Purpose Driven Life"

According to Mitt Romney, A Purpose Driven Life refers to those who do not have faith.

This contradicts the definition used by Rick Warren in his book of the same name.

February 7, 2008:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Political Bias?

After I overcome my bias against Mormons I have to overcome my bias against anyone named Mitt.

- CarlD

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Do Maximum Harm

In response to a Yahoo! Answers question, I answered:

MDs use the ethic; Do no harm.

Lawyers, political scientists and tax collectors use the ethic; Do the maximum damage that you can get away with.

A doctor of philosophy, a lover of knowledge, should understand the distinction.

These are the MaxiDams -- those whose function is to cause Maximum Damage.

- CarlD

Thursday, January 24, 2008

French Trader Loses 7 Billion in One Year

I'm still conjuring a punchline.

Should I pick on the fact that he's French? Maybe they'll put his statue in front of the Louvre.

Should I point out that he's encroaching on the function of governments? Over here we call that a stimulus package.

- CarlD

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

No History is Good History

One of the new political dynamics is the advantage of having no political history.

Shows like The Daily Show, a news satire show, thrive on playing historical clips which contradict new positions.

Inevitably, there are awkward flips and flops.
- CarlD

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Michael Moore Interviewed Charlton Heston

Michael Moore halfway made his point when he interviewed Charlton Heston in Bowling for Columbine.

Here's a sharper analogy.

Dick Cheney and his associates take the view that we must sacrifice some basic rights in order to stop terrorists. We must abandon the Geneva Convention, condone warrantless wiretaps, and so on.

This suggests that conventional law enforcement methods lack the backbone to stop terrorists.

YET Charlton Heston and the National Rifle Association argue that law enforcement can deal with the proliferation of hand guns and assault rifles. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" implies that law enforcement needs only to find and control the bad people and do nothing to control sale and possession of the weapons.

- CarlD

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ben Franklin's Birthday - Man of 3 Sciences

Jan 17 is Benjamin's birthday.

In tribute I credit him with developing 3 major branches of science and contributing to 3 other fields, usually not considered to be sciences.

1) Oceanography. He plotted the Gulf Stream by sampling water temperatures along the trans-Atlantic routes.

2) Electricity. His kite experiment demonstrated that lightning was the same phenomenon as static electrity, but on a larger scale.

3) Quality control. Franklin's primary source of income through his later years was a business that re-cast lead characters used by newspapers and printers. He often quoted a version of this maxim:
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.For want of a shoe the horse was lost.For want of a horse the rider was lost.For want of a rider the battle was lost.For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

4) Government structure. Franklin may have penned the phrase "we hold these truths to be self-evident" in emulation of Euclid's Elements which built geometry on postulates, an earlier form of self-evident truths.

5) Philosophy. In Franklin's day, philosophy embraced all knowledge, from math to astronomy, from government to physics.

6) Diplomacy. Who but Franklin could have persuaded France to finance and support the American Revolution? As with everything, Franklin handled diplomacy as a form of science.

- CarlD
January 13, 2008

Is Barack Obama black enough?

Pundits have asked, is Barack Obama black enough?

For that matter we need to know, is Hillary Clinton man enough?

- CarlD