Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pillory Hillary?

Chelsea Clinton was asked if her mother's credibility was damaged by the way she handled the Monica Lewinsky affair. This suggests that Hillary still has credibility -- having embellished the story about sniper fire in Bosnia.

I remember a morning news interview on a show like NBC's Today Show or ABC's Good Morning America. Hillary pleaded for the public to defer judgment about Bill until all of the evidence was in.

Like OJ Simpson on the prowl for the real killer, Hillary is still waiting for enough evidence to surface. If we don't prejudge Bill, can we still pillory Hillary?

- CarlD

They're all a bunch of guppies.

Tony Blair is no Winston Churchill.
George W. Bush is no Ronald Reagan.
Hillary Clinton is no Margaret Thatcher.
Barach Obama is no Nelson Mandella.

John McCain has a tiny dose of Harry Truman's straight talk style and Ross Perot's military street cred.

They might be whales but they act like guppies.

- CarlD

Monday, March 24, 2008

Clinton says: Obama hates America

Bill Clinton, in a McCarthyite moment, suggested that Obama hates America.

Regardless of your politics, I think we can all agree it comes from an unimpeachable source.

- CarlD