Wednesday, May 28, 2008

William Safire Blogs -- political phrases

I recently saw and heard Wm Safire on C-Span.

I would like his observations on the topic of Compound Movement Names, such as National Socialist or Compassionate Conservative.

Did Hitler start the genre and Karl Rove damage it beyond repair?

Are such phrases intentionally oxymoronic -- encompassing mutually-exclusive ends of the spectrum?

 - CarlD

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Dick Cheney Joke

Is it dangerous to be in bath tub if a implanted debibulator goes off?

My response:

There is NO danger from the defibrillator.

Not to get political but you should know that the only part of government that actually works is Dick Cheney's defibrillator.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Miley Ray

Nobody talks about Miley Ray's extended family.
Her father is Billy Ray.
Her mother is Martha Ray.
Her stepsister is Rachel Ray.
Her cousin is Norma Ray.
Her bodyguard is Sugar Ray.
- CarlD